We struggled to get pregnant, and after lots of tests and some medicine (2 years worth), Chris decided we were just going to trust God. I was angry. With Chris, with God, with my cousin who just had a happy beautiful baby girl, anyone who was pregnant. I was not fun to be around. But I knew that I needed to follow my husbands lead and God would lead us where he wanted us to go. The drs were ready to do IUI, I was supposed to start the meds to bring on af on Aug 1st. Chris and I (reluctantly (me)) decided that we weren't going to take the meds. I knew that he felt this was the right thing to do and I was upset about everything that I figured a couple of weeks wasn't going to make a difference. I remember on Aug 27 having lunch with some friends, one of who was newly pregnant and I told her that I was feeling off. I know there was something else that I was feeling but I can't remember now. Anyways she thought I should take a pregnancy test. My first thought was no way, I am not wasting any more money on those things. But on the way home we bought one, just in case. The next day was my 26th birthday. There was NO WAY I was taking a test on my birthday, I didn't want to see another negative. I had been temping and charting and at this point I thing I was a couple of days late, but I still didn't want to chance it. So on August 29, 2000 I took a hpt and it was POSITIVE! I cried. I thanked God. I excitedly showed Chris. It was the most amazing thing. To know that we took a step of faith, and God blessed us.
Abby is such a beautiful girl. She is loving and gentle with her baby sister. She is a great helper. She plays well with her brothers, including them in the things she does. She loves to spend time with her family. Abby is on the gymnastics team and works so hard to learn new skills. She has done so many new things this year. I enjoy homeschooling her, even when we have our moments. We love to shop together and spend time together.
I love you Abby-girl!
Oh, I remember that day in the restaurant! What a blessing! Happy Birthday, Abby!
What a great testimony--Abby will love hearing about it!
Love hearing more of the story! Happy Birthday sweet Abby!
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