Wednesday, April 21, 2010


- has 4 new molars. All came in within 4 days of each other.
-is walking all over the place.
-opens her mouth really wide so you can see her teeth, then giggles :)
-is making kissing sounds.
-started blowing kisses tonight.
-can say what almost sounds like her name, my mom thought one of the other kids was saying it on the phone today, but it was Emma.
-slept through the night last night! From 9:30pm to 8:30am!!! Oh how refreshed I felt this morning!
-started sleeping in her crib in the room with Abby 3 nights ago, I hate her being that far away, but she was waking up every 2 hours and it was really affecting me. But with the monitor, I hear every sound she makes, and Abby brought her in the first night at 4 am, so I know that if I don't get her immediately, Abby will ;)
-is trying to decide if she needs 1 or 2 naps a day.
-loves her big sister.
-gets really annoyed when Eli gets in her face.
-laughs at all the funny things Reagan does for her.

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